Monday, December 14, 2015

Sanders and Clinton comparison

Their differences as noted in this Robert Reich FB post:

Bernie wants to raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Hillary wants to raise it to $12 an hour.

Bernie wants a single-payer health insurance system. Hillary wants to strengthen Obamacare.

Bernie wants all public higher education to be tuition free. Hillary wants community colleges to be tuition free.

Bernie wants to bust up the biggest banks. Hillary wants to make it more expensive for banks to be very big.

Bernie wants to resurrect the Glass-Staegall Act that separated commercial from investment banking before Bill Clinton joined Republicans in repealing it. Hillary doesn’t think it’s necessary to go that far.

Bernie wants to tax speculative trading on Wall Street. Hillary doesn’t think that’s necessary, either.

Bernie wants to expand Social Security by raising the cap on income subject to the Social Security payroll tax. Hillary wants to protect Social Security as is.

Bernie wants to allow states to legalize marijuana. Hillary wants to put marijuana on a lower drug enforcement classification but doesn’t want it legalized.

Bernie isn’t taking money from corporate PACs or Super PACs. Hillary is.

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