Tuesday, October 10, 2017

The limitations of evolutionary meaning making

Continuing this post (and predecessors), Dave linked to this article on the difference between integral and peak oil perspectives on ecology. A key point is that for AQAL, so-called ever increasing complexity is the solution to evolution. And everything, for that matter. But as I've extensively explored, there are different kinds of complexity: The kind AQAL draws from and the kind that takes account of thermodynamic systems. And when the former doesn't take into account the latter, it separates from the 'real' domain (e.g. Bhaskar, Bryant) and if fact leads us headlong into collapse.

Edwards also explores this theme, that an over emphasis on one of the developmental lenses, while not taking into account how it meshes with a myriad of other lenses, leads to altitude sickness. Castles made of sand...


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